You! Yes, you. Smart. Attractive. And, in fact, a real people person (1). But only the right kind of people.

Successful by any standard measure but at the same time opportunistic. But in a good way, you tell yourself.  Truth be told, over the course of your life you have bent many, many others to your will (but not nearly enough to satisfy your cravings).  To be truly satisfied you need to have more.  Much more.  But you just can’t get there.  In other words…you have the desire but you lack something.  What you want is complete hegemony.  What you want…what you really aspire to…is to become a dictator.  You want to be Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Napoleon.  You know…a person and a name people remember after you’ve gone from this life.   But darn it!  You don’t have the mechanisms to otherwise force your will upon the masses. What does becoming a dictator mean exactly? It means being able to manipulate people.  A lot of people.  It means taking advantage of their emotions.  And in the case of politicians and aspiring totalitarians everywhere, it means creating loyalty. (2)  But what’s frustrating you is people that have come to know you, just don’t like you much.  Nevertheless you persist.  What’s on your Action Item List today would-be dictator?   To have complete control.  Over all of humanity.  Permanently.  Let’s review.  To date:

You most definitively have:

– hate and envy.  Check.  You have those.  Misanthropy is built into every aspiring dictator

You think you have:

–  control of the narrative (3)

You do not have:

– a goose-stepping paramilitary (yet)
– a populace willing to rat-out one another over trivial matters (yet)
– a Secret Police (yet).
– a gulag archipelago; prisons to hold political dissidents (4)

Tuskegee Tony goes to work

What to do?  What to do achieving total and everlasting control?  It’s been attempted with armies and ideologies to limited effect over the centuries but not to lasting and permanent effect. You need something bigger. More widespread.  Fear!!  Wide-spread fear across the entire face of the planet is what you need to bend people to your will. What induces fear better than anything else?  Thinking.  Thinking.  Hmm…

You have it!  You got it!!!  Disease.  Namely, a virus.  Of course!  Something that can’t be seen, heard, felt, or tasted. But the effects.  Ohh…the effects.  Yeah, baby!  Fear and panic.

Tiny.  Oh, so very tiny.  Getting into you.  Insinuating itself into your physical being at the molecular level.  Disease.  Incapacitation.  The possibility of death.

Up next.  Cooking the Books for Fun and Profit….


(1)  Attendees of Davos

(2)  Compare to trust and hope.

(3) Narrative is a literary term that has been incorporated into public discourse by self-serving academic and media morons.  It has no place in discussion of contemporary events.  Why?  It presupposes a defined outcome, like the end of a short story or novel is a defined outcome.  It is deterministic in the language of philosophy. IOW….”The End” is defined as X.  In reality, political outcomes can never be determined with any degree of certainty.  The world is too complex.

The other term in public discourse that bugs the shit out of Cracker is World-view.  Any public figure using this term should be wearing a cap with “Dunce” on it.  It’s the lazy man’s way of saying “I lack historical perspective and insight into logic, argumentation, or philosophy”.

(4) You do have the beginnings of one, however.  Please reference US Department of Justice and Capitol Police.