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Media – School of Vice

Category: Media

So Long, Facebook.

Silicon Valley Tech Lords have gone Full Bolshevik….

School of Vice is moving away from Facebook.  We have accumulated approximately 1000 followers on FB and we humbly ask they make the move with us.  We sincerely hope some of you come.  And for those that do?  Welcome!  We are glad you are here.  We use a discussion platform called Disqus (pronounced discuss).  It requires an account in Disqus.  We are discouraging logging in with Facebook, Google……

Megyn Kelly – Cultural Marxist

Leftist Group-Think Personified…all the while sporting a Hairdo and Lip Gloss.

The economist F.A. Hayek defined an intellectual as a “professional secondhand dealer in ideas” with secondhand meaning second in the order of the transmission of ideas.  Experts – academics, scholars, or other original thinkers – are the source of ideas.  For Thomas Sowell, an intellectual is someone whose job is to deal in words*.  The job begins and ends with ideas and/or the words used……