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Politics – School of Vice

Category: Politics

So Long, Facebook.

Silicon Valley Tech Lords have gone Full Bolshevik….

School of Vice is moving away from Facebook.  We have accumulated approximately 1000 followers on FB and we humbly ask they make the move with us.  We sincerely hope some of you come.  And for those that do?  Welcome!  We are glad you are here.  We use a discussion platform called Disqus (pronounced discuss).  It requires an account in Disqus.  We are discouraging logging in with Facebook, Google……


MILLIONS of Americans are DOOMED to destitution – who is to blame?

Official School of Vice Presidential Election Projection

With only days before Nov 3….

…we present our official 2020 Presidential Election Outcome Projection. It is based on the Norpoth model with tweaks of our own design. With greater than 70% of the Electoral College our proprietary modeling predicts a landslide victory for Mr. Trump.

Eat your hearts out CNN.


Senator Hawley ROASTS Comey into OBLIVION

The FBI has demonstrated their willful disregard for acting as a non-partisan tool of the state and instead shown they are a tool for political games. Senator Hawley asking the hard hitting questions! “How are the American people to trust the FBI after abuses like this?”

Trump’s Taliban endorsement a GOOD THING!?

Jim and August discuss how the endorsement signals the president’s commitment to bringing home the troops. As well as the Military Industrial Complex’s commitment to endless wars.

The Turner Take on the USPS

The USPS, swamp rats, & the Military Industrial Complex

Jim and August discuss the failure by both parties to address the shortcomings of the USPS and how each are using that as a political weapon against each other. As a bonus, we ask viewers to consider whether or not neoliberal ideals have a place in government institutions. Has this lead to the swampyness as we know it? Let us know what you think.

The Long, Slow March Towards Idiocy, part 4

Antifa, the suppression of debate, and the coming of corporate tribalism…

Antifa are not anti-fascist.  They have brought to American shores a political style of thuggery more in line with European political movements of the early 20th century.   Do not let the name distract you.  While they claim to be anti-fascist, their method and rhetoric are more in tune with Leftist totalitarianism.  Despite the widespread invocation of Nazism or Italian Fascists, the closest approximation to a……

The Long, Slow March Towards Idiocy, part 3.

Or why Lucky Luciano is a better baby-sitter for your kids than any African tyrant…

In part 2 of this series, School of Vice described an academic theory called Hobson-Leninism.  The theory describes what the industrial societies of white Europe are supposedly to have done during the colonial period; that is they took advantage of far off places in native black or brown lands, stripped them of natural resources, abused the indigenous population; and essentially do……

The Long, Slow March Towards Idiocy, part 2.

You know who I’m talking about.  Every family has at least one…

There you are…at the latest family get-together, minding your own business when suddenly and for no good reason, you find yourself being verbally beaten about the head and shoulders by your sister-in-law…again.  Suspiciously butch yet avowedly hetero-, politically Left-leaning, and Bernie Sanders loving Rhonda (or Ronnie has she prefers it) has you backed into a corner with her finger poking repeatedly into your chest,……

The Long, Slow March Towards Idiocy, Part 1

At any given time in history and in any given place, there is a climate of opinion.  Climate of opinion is loosely defined as the ideas swirling about in the public sphere contributing to the debate about current events.  What people see on TV news programs or read on their favorite internet journals contribute to the atmosphere of ideas and opinions.  For any reader of news and opinion, the ideas presented run up against their……